Atlanta, Georgia
East Legon, Accra

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM


Make a $5 Donation

As the saying goes, "Many drops of water make a mighty ocean".

Do you want make a great change? Start with a small seed. Make a $5 donation and you will be surprised by what it can do!

Make a One time $30 donation

There's no better feeling than having dinner around the table with family. So make a $30 Donation and help grant the under privileged thisopportunity.

Sponsor a Graduate

Help the dreams of the youth come true by contributing to the future of the young under priviledged but energetic and highly motivated with a desire to change the world around them.

Make an Undefined Donation

Helping out people in need is a pure art which comes from the depth of the human soul, the amount doesn't matter just the giving heart willing to help a brother out. So donate any amount today.

Donate to the $100 Water Legacy Seed

Every seed eventually grows into a tree.

Sow $100 and watch it grow into a tree of provision.

Donate to the Monthly Child Sponsor

Be the reason why a child grows up happy and healthy.